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UCIe™ Consortium Meets Chiplet Enthusiasts at Industry Events

UCIe Marketing

Last quarter, the UCIe™ (Universal Chiplet Interconnect Express™) Consortium had an opportunity to present at the Chiplet Summit and IMAPS International Conference & Exhibition on Device Packaging to introduce the UCIe specification and highlight the benefits of an open chiplet ecosystem.

Chiplet Summit 2023

We were excited to have an opportunity to participate in the inaugural Chiplet Summit as an organizational sponsor to highlight the emerging chiplet market. The conference brought together over 300 industry experts in the chiplet ecosystem and provided a venue for the community to discuss the challenges and opportunities in the chiplet industry, including standardization, testing, security, latency/throughput, packaging, and developing a sustainable chiplet ecosystem.

We enjoyed meeting visitors at the UCIe booth and attending events hosted by UCIe members to discuss a major theme at the Summit – the need for standardization around chiplets. As Gordon Moore once predicted, the role of chiplets in the industry “May prove to be more economical to build large systems out of smaller functions, which are separately packaged and interconnected”. The event also discussed contemporary examples of well know chiplet based products such as CPUs and FPGAs leading to a conclusion that “chiplets will be the rule, not the exception.” Leading IP vendors also shared strong statements of support for UCIe as the preferred interface in their portfolios going forward.

UCIe Consortium members Alphawave IP Group, AMD, Cadence, Eliyan, Intel, Marvell, Meta, NVIDIA, proteanTecs, and Samsung covered UCIe technologies in their keynotes, panels, technical talks, and more. Below we share some feedback we received about the conference from our member companies:

“The conference was fantastic! The industry is clearly calling for standardization around chiplets, and it’s evident UCIe will be crucial in tackling this industry trend. The conference sessions effectively highlighted the various challenges at hand, including standardization, testing, security, latency/throughput, packaging, and developing a sustainable chiplet ecosystem. I’m excited about attending future Chiplet Summits and looking forward to seeing what innovative products will be brought to the market.”
Matthew Oulette, Director, Silicon Product Planning, Adaptive and Embedded Group, AMD

"After attending the first Annual Chiplet Summit Conference, I was convinced and received positive feedback from the audience that the promotion of UCIe technology is essential for the future of the semiconductor industry. The insights and discussions shared during the conference aligned the industry to support an open interconnect standard for chiplets integration. I am excited to see how the industry will continue to embrace and advance the use of UCIe technology in chiplet design and implementation."
Dr. Lihong Cao, Sr. Director, ASE Group

“Overall, Chiplet Summit was a huge success. The Summit focused on vendors’ utilization of UCIe and its specification to build towards interoperability in a larger chiplet ecosystem.”
Sue Hung Fung, Product line marketing manager for UCIe, Cadence

IMAPS International Conference & Exhibition on Device Packaging

UCIe Consortium also participated in the 19th IMAPS International Conference & Exhibition on Device Packaging from March 13-16, 2023, in Fountain Hills, Arizona. IMAP attracted 659 attendees from 18 countries to discuss the next generation of package technology and integration.

We enjoyed speaking with attendees during the IMAPS poster session and were excited to have an opportunity to present the “UCIe - Building an Open Ecosystem of Chiplets for On-package Innovations” session and participate in the “Packaging Chiplets: Opportunities and Remaining Challenges” panel. Additionally, we were pleased to welcome General Motors to the Consortium.

Below, UCIe Consortium member companies provided additional highlights and discussions from the event:

“What a great call the UCIe Consortium made to join the 19th IMAPS Device Packaging Conference (DPC) in a booming Silicon Desert! The sheer magnitude of appreciation for and interest in the Consortium’s mission shown by the 600+ conference attendees has surpassed expectations. On behalf of UCIe, I had the privilege to not only give a talk on building an open ecosystem of Chiplets but also host a 2-hour UCIe poster session at this technology-centric venue. Since then, I have received a steady stream of follow-up questions about all aspects of UCIe, ranging from membership tiers, TWGs, D2D PHY designs, to packaging technologies, even materials engineering. Like many of my fellow semiconductor industry practitioners, I am excited about UCIe’s future and looking forward to more Chiplet innovations propelled by UCIe.”
Michael Liu, Former Sr. Director, JCET Group
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